I'm Amanda, an energetic and holistic healing practitioner. I discovered energy treatments firstly on a personal basis, to improve my well-being, my health, my mind and soothe my emotions.

After studying languages and literature and several assistantship positions in various fields and companies, I realized that the path taken no longer made sense to me and was not aligned with who I really am. 

Always attracted to well-being, personal development, health and natural healing, I decided to train in various practices, including energy care and healing techniques.

Trained since 2017, with the following certifications and diplomas :

– Practitioner in magnetism by the French Society of Magnetism, belonging to the French School of Alternative Medicine EURL (2022),

– Shamanic healing techniques (2022);

– Practitioner and Teacher in Lahochi (2017)

I was able to test them on an eclectic audience, which allowed me to see their benefits.

I am now included in an online directory of therapists after having been trained by Sandrine Muller-Bohard. 

I therefore carry out energy treatments in person or remotely. They are known to relieve various physical pains (such as back problems, joint discomfort, respiratory or heart problems, skin problems, disorders and addictions); psychic and mental pain (prevent or help in case of overwork, stress or intense fatigue) but also emotional (inner child, soul wounds); karmic (wishes, past lives, phobias) and transgenerational (repetitive patterns, toxic ties) because they act on several levels.

In business, I offer cranial energy massages, based on specific acupressure points.

I am also part of the Bien-être en Parisis association, which brings together practitioners and therapists, wellness professionals from Cormeillais. We gather during events organized by the city, in partnership with the Town Hall of Cormeilles-en-Parisis: Well-being Day, Forum of Associations, etc.

Vous pouvez consulter le site de l’association : https://www.bienetre-enparisis.fr ou encore vous inscrire à la newsletter pour ne manquer aucun événement de l’Association : https://www.bienetre-enparisis.fr/newsletter-bien-etre/