Global magnetism treatment

70 €

Cranial magnetism treatment

30 €

Purging and rebalancing of vital organs

50 €

Reprogramming a limiting belief into a positive one

60 €

Removal of a karmic blockage, past life wish, phobia

60 €

Life path : removal of traumatism

70 €

Transgenerational liberation

70 €

Lahochi treatment

60 €

Reduction of pain or injuries

30 €

Refocusing the aura, rebalancing of energies and energetic cleansing

50 €

Corporate services: cranial energy massage

On quotation

3 sessions package

170 €

All treatments are carried out both in person and remotely.

The price of a consultation varies depending on the duration and nature of the treatment. People without income, retirees or students give what they think is fair. 

Packages can be offered depending on the type of care provided and the number of consultations planned. 

The sessions are not covered by Social Security. However, some mutual insurance companies partially reimburse alternative medicine sessions or provide an annual package. Ask your health insurance provider for more information.

The Energy Treatments that I offer in no way replace medical monitoring and do not replace treatment prescribed by a doctor.